Bus Terminus


Imagine the world on the fast lane, so fast that no one would be ever late for anything. Imagine a public transportation that would cut through the traffic like a hot knife that cuts through butter. Imagine those utopian cities where everything is perfect. It’s been Man’s fantasy to make things perfect, and for a city to be perfect its transportation system has to be flawless. This topic works towards one such utopia in architecture.

What is the necessity for a new bus terminus?
Public transportation is the backbone of a city. In India where city services are dominated by buses
How does a common man remember a city bus? .How has the image of a bus terminus engraved inside his head? The common man’s transportation that is meant for the people should not only provide better services but also better infrastructure.

89 % of people who own private vehicle are ready to use bus services if they are reliable convenient, faster and if they provide better services.
If providing reliable and faster services becomes part of urban planning providing better hub for such services can be achieved in terms of architecture.

A city works the best if its public transportation is flawless and if it has to be flawless its infrastructure has to be the best

Current Scenario of a city...
In a city where your day starts on a road staggered with vehicles, honking at each other. When there are so many vehicles in front of you it seems like time itself, has stopped and each and every minute on the road becomes painful. It is a struggle for existence for man on these roads. ‘Be quick or be dead’ is the word around……..

Everyday a person who has a vehicle literarily fights his way through the traffic. People are ready to do anything to reach their destination on time. They risk others life and put theirs on theirs line. Jumping signals, overtaking from the wrong side, breaking the rules etc…. has all become a very common thing on these roads. Taking risk is part of human nature but on these roads risking owns life has become a means of survival and people have accepted this as part of their daily routine.

In this real world where risking on the road has become so common, where man is finding it hard to survive because of vehicles, life would be a lot easier if the public transportation would be more convenient, safer and faster. If we take a step towards improving our existing public transportation like today our cities can breathe easy tomorrow.


The journey elevates the senses and excites a human. As a man travels he learns more and understands more.

Imagine a common man being sent through such a journey through space. Here the aim is to create such spaces with using architecture as a tool and the bus terminus as a medium.

This is a world where distance is measured in terms of time any ones aim would be to reach their destination faster and safer. In a bus terminus where people are headed towards different goals the time spent in the terminus itself is very less. So creating interest among people who are hurriedly going to their destination is a challenge in space planning.

This topic covers such an aspect of space making that has to be dealt sensitively

With quality infrastructure and means of faster and safer commuting options, it will encourage public to use the rapid transit system. So the number of private vehicles plying on the roads would reduce which ultimately results in less or congestion free roads.

Contents of the design

The basic idea revolves around integrating the existing transportation systems along with the bus terminus to create a user friendly hub both for the outstation and city users.
The main content of the design would focus on the inter city bus terminus and its connectivity to the rest of the modes.


A bus terminus is a place where exchange of passengers takes place. The system should be convenient and practical. The planning and design includes providing proper service platforms for both users and operators.

The infrastructure for this public transportation includes platforms, corridors, staircases, drop off point, etc….:transit equipments i.e. escalators, elevators, travelators, etc…and whole of service facilities, i.e. ticketing machines, booking offices, information centres, toilets, waiting rooms, restaurants, etc……

A bus terminus works efficiently only when the time delay between exchange of passengers is minimum. This can be achieved not only by providing quality infrastructure, transit equipments and services but also by a co-ordinate scheduling system that allows mutual exchange of information between vehicles. Time delays can be reduced by adjusting stop and dispatch times electronically. Faster the transport more people travel.

Scope and limitations

The bus terminus has to be accessible easily from all parts of the city. It is built by the government for the use of the public and therefore has to generate income this can be partly achieved through proper planning and design. This system allows us to exploit the use of public transportation to the fullest. Since there is a big investment in terms of time energy and money, the transportation system and its infrastructure should be able to grow with the city for long term benefits. Apart from including the basic services multiple functions can be fused in order to generate revenue for the government and for the benefit for its users. Since the system is meant for the public use funds from the public will be used for its development. And for the same reason the design has to appeal to a larger section of the society.


Public transportation is for the public, more and more people use it if the fares are less and quality is good. A transportation system set to revolutionize the way people travel shouldn’t belittle the weaker sections of the society but encourage them. In a developing country like India merely reducing the fares won’t help but the whole infrastructure and the services should be developed to cater all kinds of people and this becomes an important criteria in designing. The transit system, apart from generating revenue, creates employment opportunities through its services and construction.

The system has to satisfy all types of users i.e. commuters, operators and the government for the transit system to sustain.

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